All purchases are shipped from our own warehouse from various locations across India. Our endeavor is to make the products reach you within a reasonable period varying from 1- 15 days from receipt of order and completion of successful payment. Delivery period may be affected by the address for delivery.
Order deliveries will be made by our own staff or third party courier and logistics companies usually between 10.30 am – 6 pm Monday – Saturday.
Goods received need to be acknowledged upon delivery at the given address. We take no responsibility for the acknowledgement given by any alternative person other than the person ordering the product at the address mentioned while placing the order.
Since the transactions are authorized by the cardholder, we do not take responsibility for incorrect addresses provided at the time of placing the order.
All claims, if any, for shortages or damages must be reported to customer service within a day of delivery through the contact us page on the web store.
This charger adapter plug converts the power outlet only, it does NOT convert electrical output current and voltage. Please make sure your device carries a electrical converter when you travel to other countries with different electrical output. If your device requires a electrical converter, please pair up the original electrical converter with this world travel charger plug. For example: Notebook computers, Gaming systems (PlayStation, XBOX, Wii,), etc. Converts power outlet when traveling to other countries Includes a travel pouch for easy storage LED charging indicator Color: white Works in worldwide: United States, Canada, Europe, Middle East, South America, Asia, The Caribbean, Great Britain, Ireland, Africa, Hong Kong, Singapore, Australia, Fiji, New Zealand, China, Japan, and more than 150 countries.