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New 2-in-1 ironing experience, can do spray mist of traditional ironing machine type wet ironing experience, can also with its titanium large panel do dry irons, meet the demand of personalized needs. The operation is simple and safe to use, after turning on the machine, turn on the spray to humidify the clothes. After the clothes are wet, turn off the spray button to start ironing. suitable for travel and outing use. It can be easily put into suitcases and backpacks, and can be easily carried anywhere. Exquisite flat ironing, clothes wrinkle removal,reproduce smooth and smooth Multi-dimensional restoration of clothing material sense, make clothing as beautiful as it first appeared. Heated soleplate at constant temperature of 150 degrees Celsius, ceramic sheet heating, ironing does not hurt clothes. can be used on silk, plush, wool, cotton, linen, polyester, nylon and so on.