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Combo Portable 3 in 1 Conditioner Humidifier Purifier Mini Cooler Portable Neck Fan, Personal Mini USB Bladeless Neck Fan (Multi Color) (Pack of 1)
Fast Cooling in Seconds - Simply pour some ice water into the water tank, turn on the personal air cooler, and it will cool down the hot air around you within seconds; The evaporative air conditioner is designed with 3 fan speeds, so you can choose the perfect wind power to meet your needs; This personal air conditioner will blow clean and refreshing airflow just like the summer breeze
Portable Neck Fan, Personal Mini USB Bladeless Neck Fan 20Hrs Play 9000mah Handfree Neckband Hanging Fans, No Curly Hair Wearable Necklace for Camping Hiking Outdoor Travel
No Warranty
Design Color may vary depending upon availablity
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