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Double Layer C Handle Umbrella Umbrella Open & Close in a Reversible Way Unlike common umbrellas, it opens and closes in a reverse way, fully protecting you from the rain when you enter or exit a car or a building. Once closed and strapped up, this umbrella contains the water inside the folded canopy, keeping your car or floor dry. C-shape Hand Grip The C-shape handle can free your hands for your cell phone, or even for your baby. All you need to do is sticking your wrist or forearm through the handle. Stylish Self-Standing Once closed, it can self-stand on the ground, with fashionable and eye-catching pattern on the inner layer. Hanging on a door handle is also an option when closed and strapped up. Dual Layers of 210T Pongee Fabric On sunny days, dual layers keep UV rays and heat away. On rainy days, water won’t stay on the water repellent coating on the outer layer. Hair won’t get tangled anymore thanks to the dual layers concealing the ribs. Dedicated Craftsmanshi