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Resistance bands are incredibly simple, but theyre also extremely effective at working your muscles. Additionally, resistance-band training can help you boost stamina, flexibility, range of motion and more. VERSATILE: Resistance bands are extremely versatile great for insanity, cross fit training, yoga, pilates, beach body, physical therapy, strengthening, toning upper and lower body. You can do all this by simply changing your body position in order to target the specific muscle. PORTABLE LIGHTWEIGHT: Easy to carry, great for home use, gym use, offices, hotel room, even outdoors. Workouts for Arms, Legs and Back and seated Exercises. Let you enjoy the joy of fitness body anytime and anywhere. TRAIN WITH COMFORT: They have soft foam D-handles, pre-attached, for continued comfort during repetitive movements. Cushioned foam handles provide comfortable and slip-free grip. RESISTANCE: 30 to 40 LBS. Resistance tubes are specifically designed to challenge your core muscles. Adaptable for