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• This Non Shrinkable, Non Fadable Round Neck T-Shirt Will Cater a Rich In-Class and Genuine Appearance in Any Kind of Ambience and Will Comfort You with Saving Time Iron-Free.• This Casual T-Shirt Is Perfect for Everyone Like School-College Student, Working and Sports Person Etc.• Washable: Hand-Wash and It Is Even Machine Washable, So You Just Need to Toss It in the Washing Machine and Relax.• Homegrown Indian BrandThis regular fit T-shirt by VLAM Apparels is the best to style up with any look. This comfortable Tee ensures that you dont have to compromise on comfort for the style. It is stitched with perfection and can be styled by both men and women.This T-shirt provides you with the best comfort and style and is perfect for every occasion.Stay hassle free as this T-shirt is Iron Free
Color: Yellow Fabric: Polycotton Type: t-shirts Style: Western Design Type: Western Country of Origin: INDIA