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Durable construction : 5 varying resistance bands to suit different fitness needs. The metal carabiners on the resistance strap enable the user to add or remove resistance to create the perfect challenge for every muscle group. Suitable for everyone : Great for men and women of all fitness levels. Each Fitness exercise band offers a different level of resistance. Use the workout bands for your quads, glutes, buttocks, chest, Abs, biceps, triceps, shoulders, legs and knees with any one band individually or multiple bands together to provide the right level of resistance for you. Burn fat and build muscle : Resistance band training are extremely effective at burning fat and increase muscle strength, and also help you increase coordination, boost stamina, flexibility, range of motion, exercise different muscle groups, such as shoulder, arm, leg, butt, booty, and more elastic exercise bands serve long time and provide the maximum resistance. Package includes : 2 cushioned foam handles, 1 d