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CAPSULE UMBRELLA TRAVEL UMBRELLA - You dont have to choose between huge, heavy, windproof umbrellas or a tiny umbrella that barely gives you any protection from the wind and the rain. This excellent umbrella is a perfect combination of portability, protection and durability. This cool umbrella is Mini size, foldable to 18 cm / 7 inch and weighs only 200 grams/0.44lb including the waterproof case.Besides, compact design can easily be store in your bag or pocket WATERPROOF CAPSULE CASE - The mini umbrella comes with a stylish waterproof case that is just over inches long. After youve used the umbrella then give it a shake, pop it in the case, and then you can throw it into your bag or car without water getting everywhere ULTRA PROTECTIVE - There is high-tech Nano Polymer Compound in the outermost coating layer. Its excellent water-repellency helps you shake most water off and put it back to your purse easily after use. In addition, the layer prevents 95% of the UV. Excellent heat
Color: Yellow Type: Regular Size Material: Polyester Length: 10.01 (in inches) Width : 5.0 (in inches) Height: 10.0 (in inches) Country of Origin: INDIA