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Virtual Reality Glasses, also known as 3D VR Box Headsets, are the perfect solution for anyone who is looking for a fully immersive virtual reality experience. The 2nd Generation VR Box is designed to provide users with high-quality entertainment that feels completely real.Made of high-quality ABS material and featuring 42 mm diameter spherical resin lenses, the VR Box is built to last and deliver excellent performance. The ergonomic T-shaped straps are adjustable to fit any head size and shape, and the design helps reduce pressure around the eyes for maximum comfort during extended use.The VR Box is compatible with all smartphones that measure between 3.0 inches and 6.5 inches, making it easy for anyone to enjoy the virtual reality experience. Installing your phone into the VR Box is easy - simply pull out the storage box, place your phone inside, and adjust it to fit your face perfectly.